Tides for Key Bridge, D.C. starting with October 25, 2010.
Day High Tide Height Sunrise Moon Time % Moon
/Low Time Feet Sunset Visible
M 25 Low 5:08 AM 0.3 7:28 AM Set 10:07 AM 96
25 High 10:32 AM 2.9 6:16 PM Rise 7:45 PM
25 Low 4:47 PM 0.3
25 High 10:32 PM 3.3
Tu 26 Low 5:49 AM 0.3 7:29 AM Set 11:06 AM 92
26 High 11:09 AM 2.8 6:15 PM Rise 8:37 PM
26 Low 5:27 PM 0.3
26 High 11:12 PM 3.3
W 27 Low 6:33 AM 0.4 7:30 AM Set 12:00 PM 85
27 High 11:50 AM 2.8 6:14 PM Rise 9:37 PM
27 Low 6:13 PM 0.3
27 High 11:57 PM 3.3
Th 28 Low 7:20 AM 0.4 7:31 AM Set 12:48 PM 77
28 High 12:37 PM 2.8 6:13 PM Rise 10:42 PM
28 Low 7:06 PM 0.4
F 29 High 12:50 AM 3.2 7:32 AM Set 1:31 PM 67
29 Low 8:13 AM 0.4 6:11 PM Rise 11:51 PM
29 High 1:32 PM 2.8
29 Low 8:06 PM 0.4
Sa 30 High 1:49 AM 3.1 7:33 AM Set 2:08 PM 57
30 Low 9:09 AM 0.4 6:10 PM
30 High 2:35 PM 2.8
30 Low 9:14 PM 0.4
Su 31 High 2:56 AM 3.1 7:35 AM Rise 1:01 AM 46
31 Low 10:07 AM 0.3 6:09 PM Set 2:41 PM
31 High 3:41 PM 2.9
31 Low 10:25 PM 0.3
For information on regulations for fishing in Potomac River contact: Maryland Department of Natural Resources
A fly fishing blog that focuses on destination travel, and opportunities to improve an angler's skills.

Sunday, October 24, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Tides October 18-24 for Key Bridge
Tides for Key Bridge, D.C. starting with October 18, 2010.
Day High Tide Height Sunrise Moon Time % Moon
/Low Time Feet Sunset Visible
M 18 High 5:51 AM 2.9 7:21 AM Set 3:10 AM 77
18 Low 12:21 PM 0.5 6:26 PM Rise 4:08 PM
18 High 6:19 PM 3.0
Tu 19 Low 12:44 AM 0.5 7:22 AM Set 4:07 AM 84
19 High 6:41 AM 2.9 6:24 PM Rise 4:31 PM
19 Low 1:05 PM 0.4
19 High 7:05 PM 3.1
W 20 Low 1:34 AM 0.4 7:23 AM Set 5:04 AM 90
20 High 7:26 AM 3.0 6:23 PM Rise 4:55 PM
20 Low 1:46 PM 0.3
20 High 7:46 PM 3.1
Th 21 Low 2:21 AM 0.3 7:24 AM Set 6:02 AM 95
21 High 8:07 AM 3.0 6:22 PM Rise 5:21 PM
21 Low 2:24 PM 0.3
21 High 8:23 PM 3.2
F 22 Low 3:05 AM 0.3 7:25 AM Set 7:01 AM 98
22 High 8:46 AM 2.9 6:20 PM Rise 5:49 PM
22 Low 3:00 PM 0.3
22 High 8:56 PM 3.3
Sa 23 Low 3:47 AM 0.3 7:26 AM Set 8:03 AM 99
23 High 9:23 AM 2.9 6:19 PM Rise 6:22 PM
23 Low 3:35 PM 0.3
23 High 9:27 PM 3.3
Su 24 Low 4:28 AM 0.3 7:27 AM Set 9:05 AM 99
24 High 9:57 AM 2.9 6:18 PM Rise 7:00 PM
24 Low 4:10 PM 0.3
24 High 9:57 PM 3.3
WARNING: The Maryland Department of Natural Resources and Tide High and Low, Inc. does not warrant, for any use or purpose, the accuracy nor completeness of these charts. User hereby agrees to hold harmless The Maryland Department of Natural Resources and Tide High and Low, Inc., their officers, directors, employees and agents, from any and all liability for any damages whatsoever, and regardless of cause, to person or property, including third persons, arising from the use of this service. The prudent mariner will never rely on any single aid for navigation.
© 2001-2010 Maryland DNR and Tide High and Low, Inc. (www.saltwatertides.com)
Day High Tide Height Sunrise Moon Time % Moon
/Low Time Feet Sunset Visible
M 18 High 5:51 AM 2.9 7:21 AM Set 3:10 AM 77
18 Low 12:21 PM 0.5 6:26 PM Rise 4:08 PM
18 High 6:19 PM 3.0
Tu 19 Low 12:44 AM 0.5 7:22 AM Set 4:07 AM 84
19 High 6:41 AM 2.9 6:24 PM Rise 4:31 PM
19 Low 1:05 PM 0.4
19 High 7:05 PM 3.1
W 20 Low 1:34 AM 0.4 7:23 AM Set 5:04 AM 90
20 High 7:26 AM 3.0 6:23 PM Rise 4:55 PM
20 Low 1:46 PM 0.3
20 High 7:46 PM 3.1
Th 21 Low 2:21 AM 0.3 7:24 AM Set 6:02 AM 95
21 High 8:07 AM 3.0 6:22 PM Rise 5:21 PM
21 Low 2:24 PM 0.3
21 High 8:23 PM 3.2
F 22 Low 3:05 AM 0.3 7:25 AM Set 7:01 AM 98
22 High 8:46 AM 2.9 6:20 PM Rise 5:49 PM
22 Low 3:00 PM 0.3
22 High 8:56 PM 3.3
Sa 23 Low 3:47 AM 0.3 7:26 AM Set 8:03 AM 99
23 High 9:23 AM 2.9 6:19 PM Rise 6:22 PM
23 Low 3:35 PM 0.3
23 High 9:27 PM 3.3
Su 24 Low 4:28 AM 0.3 7:27 AM Set 9:05 AM 99
24 High 9:57 AM 2.9 6:18 PM Rise 7:00 PM
24 Low 4:10 PM 0.3
24 High 9:57 PM 3.3
WARNING: The Maryland Department of Natural Resources and Tide High and Low, Inc. does not warrant, for any use or purpose, the accuracy nor completeness of these charts. User hereby agrees to hold harmless The Maryland Department of Natural Resources and Tide High and Low, Inc., their officers, directors, employees and agents, from any and all liability for any damages whatsoever, and regardless of cause, to person or property, including third persons, arising from the use of this service. The prudent mariner will never rely on any single aid for navigation.
© 2001-2010 Maryland DNR and Tide High and Low, Inc. (www.saltwatertides.com)
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Maryland Trout Stocking
DNR To Begin Stocking Trout for Fall Fishing Season
The Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will stock approximately 20,000 trout into freshwaters across the State in October. This total includes 19,400 rainbow trout weighing an average of one pound each and 600 brown trout averaging two pounds each.
“Streams and rivers across the state are currently very low and the dry weather pattern that we have been experiencing is expected to remain unchanged for the next week or more,” said Charlie Gougeon, manager of field operations for Inland Fisheries. “Our regional managers will continue to assess each stocking location for adequate flow and will focus stocking efforts on the larger rivers, ponds and lakes where stocking conditions are most favorable.”
Anglers should be patient, as a sudden change in weather pattern that brings some rain can often improve the fishing conditions overnight.
Although stocking dates and locations are dependent on water flow and temperature, suitable conditions can generally be found in many areas beginning the second week of October and stocking is usually completed by the end of the month. In most years, cool water temperatures in the fall allow trout stocking to occur in Delayed Harvest Trout Fishing Areas and locations such as the North Branch Potomac, Bear Creek, Town Creek, Blairs Valley Lake, Antietam Creek, Beaver Creek, Cunningham Falls Lake, Rainbow Lake, Greenbrier Lake, Morgan Run, Patapsco River, Big Gunpowder Falls, Great Seneca Creek, Wheatley Lake, Lake Artemesia, Greenbelt Lake, Big Elk Creek, Deer Creek and Tuckahoe.
Beware of invasive species! DNR reminds anglers to clean their gear between streams or outings to prevent moving around unwanted invaders like didymo and whirling disease. Anglers can wash their gear with dish soap, a 5% salt solution or one of the convenient wader wash stations at some locations.
DNR’s trout stocking information telephone line, 1-800-688-3467, will be updated weekly beginning October 1 so that anglers may find out if their favorite area has been stocked. Stocked areas will also be posted online at http://www.dnr.state.md.us/fisheries once stocking is complete.
The Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will stock approximately 20,000 trout into freshwaters across the State in October. This total includes 19,400 rainbow trout weighing an average of one pound each and 600 brown trout averaging two pounds each.
“Streams and rivers across the state are currently very low and the dry weather pattern that we have been experiencing is expected to remain unchanged for the next week or more,” said Charlie Gougeon, manager of field operations for Inland Fisheries. “Our regional managers will continue to assess each stocking location for adequate flow and will focus stocking efforts on the larger rivers, ponds and lakes where stocking conditions are most favorable.”
Anglers should be patient, as a sudden change in weather pattern that brings some rain can often improve the fishing conditions overnight.
Although stocking dates and locations are dependent on water flow and temperature, suitable conditions can generally be found in many areas beginning the second week of October and stocking is usually completed by the end of the month. In most years, cool water temperatures in the fall allow trout stocking to occur in Delayed Harvest Trout Fishing Areas and locations such as the North Branch Potomac, Bear Creek, Town Creek, Blairs Valley Lake, Antietam Creek, Beaver Creek, Cunningham Falls Lake, Rainbow Lake, Greenbrier Lake, Morgan Run, Patapsco River, Big Gunpowder Falls, Great Seneca Creek, Wheatley Lake, Lake Artemesia, Greenbelt Lake, Big Elk Creek, Deer Creek and Tuckahoe.
Beware of invasive species! DNR reminds anglers to clean their gear between streams or outings to prevent moving around unwanted invaders like didymo and whirling disease. Anglers can wash their gear with dish soap, a 5% salt solution or one of the convenient wader wash stations at some locations.
DNR’s trout stocking information telephone line, 1-800-688-3467, will be updated weekly beginning October 1 so that anglers may find out if their favorite area has been stocked. Stocked areas will also be posted online at http://www.dnr.state.md.us/fisheries once stocking is complete.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Gravelly Point tides Oct. 11 -16th
Tides for Washington National Airport starting with October 11, 2010.
Day High Tide Height Sunrise Moon Time % Moon
/Low Time Feet Sunset Visible
M 11 Low 6:09 AM 0.1 7:14 AM Rise 11:45 AM 12
11 High 11:33 AM 3.3 6:36 PM Set 9:14 PM
11 Low 6:03 PM 0.2
11 High 11:48 PM 3.7
Tu 12 Low 7:01 AM 0.2 7:15 AM Rise 12:42 PM 21
12 High 12:26 PM 3.1 6:34 PM Set 10:12 PM
12 Low 6:53 PM 0.3
W 13 High 12:41 AM 3.5 7:16 AM Rise 1:32 PM 30
13 Low 7:54 AM 0.4 6:33 PM Set 11:12 PM
13 High 1:22 PM 3.0
13 Low 7:47 PM 0.4
Th 14 High 1:39 AM 3.3 7:17 AM Rise 2:13 PM 40
14 Low 8:47 AM 0.5 6:31 PM
14 High 2:21 PM 2.9
14 Low 8:45 PM 0.5
F 15 High 2:42 AM 3.1 7:18 AM Set 12:13 AM 50
15 Low 9:42 AM 0.5 6:30 PM Rise 2:47 PM
15 High 3:22 PM 2.9
15 Low 9:44 PM 0.5
Day High Tide Height Sunrise Moon Time % Moon
/Low Time Feet Sunset Visible
M 11 Low 6:09 AM 0.1 7:14 AM Rise 11:45 AM 12
11 High 11:33 AM 3.3 6:36 PM Set 9:14 PM
11 Low 6:03 PM 0.2
11 High 11:48 PM 3.7
Tu 12 Low 7:01 AM 0.2 7:15 AM Rise 12:42 PM 21
12 High 12:26 PM 3.1 6:34 PM Set 10:12 PM
12 Low 6:53 PM 0.3
W 13 High 12:41 AM 3.5 7:16 AM Rise 1:32 PM 30
13 Low 7:54 AM 0.4 6:33 PM Set 11:12 PM
13 High 1:22 PM 3.0
13 Low 7:47 PM 0.4
Th 14 High 1:39 AM 3.3 7:17 AM Rise 2:13 PM 40
14 Low 8:47 AM 0.5 6:31 PM
14 High 2:21 PM 2.9
14 Low 8:45 PM 0.5
F 15 High 2:42 AM 3.1 7:18 AM Set 12:13 AM 50
15 Low 9:42 AM 0.5 6:30 PM Rise 2:47 PM
15 High 3:22 PM 2.9
15 Low 9:44 PM 0.5
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