A fly fishing blog that focuses on destination travel, and opportunities to improve an angler's skills.

Monday, November 12, 2018
2019 Hosted Trips
My 2019 hosted trip scheduled is up. These are all terrific fly fishing operations. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch.
Feb 9-16 - Estancia Las Buitreras, Rio Gallegos Argentina - Sea run browns
March 8-16 - Costa de Cocos - Xcalak, Mexico - Bonefish, baby tarpon, permit and barracuda
April 6-13 - Los Plateados - Santa Cruz River, Argentina - Steelhead
September 28- Oct 5 - Naknek River Camp - King Salmon Alaska - Rainbows
Sunday, November 11, 2018
Hosted trip March 8-16 2019 Costa de Cocos
Very excited to be heading back down to Costa de Cocos in Xcalak, Mexico from March 8-16th. We will be taking a group of about 6-10 anglers. The Chetumal Bay area is a fabulous fishery - with lots bonefish as well as barracuda, baby tarpon and permit.
We will be doing personal instruction with anglers throughout the week - usually at the beginning or end of the day. Below are some photos from our last trip. Cost is $3495 for the week and includes lodging, guides, food and alcohol.
Two handed clinic in Torres del Paine, Chile - Feb 17 2019
I am very much looking forward to teaching this two handed class, doing some fishing and exploring Torres del Paine and spending time with Cesar at the folks at Hotel del Paine.

“Atención Pescadores con
Mosca”, ¿quieres aprender Spey Cast?, esta es su oportunidad.
Hotel del Paine tienen el agrado de organizar he invitar a un taller de Spey Cast y a un
programa de pesca a realizarse el día 17 al 20 de Febrero del 2019.
Programa incluye; 1 día completo de instrucción de Spey Cast, y 2 días de
campamento y pesca en los lugares más salvajes y poco explorados de la
A lo largo del taller,
trabajaremos en los pasos para realizar Overhead Casts, Roll Casts, Single Spey
y Double Spey. Entre las sesiones de lanzamiento, discutiremos cómo trabajar
con condiciones del viento ascendente y descendente, las técnicas de pesca y
cualquier pregunta que puedan tener.
Instructor del Taller;
John Bilotta.
Certified Master Casting Instructor IFF
Certified Two-Hand Casting Instructor IFF
John Bilotta es un
instructor maestro certificado por la federación internacional IFF, ha
organizado viajes de pesca con mosca a Alaska, México, India, Argentina, Isla
de Navidad y Groenlandia través de su Georgetown Fly Fishing Company
(http://georgetownflyfishing.blogspot.com/). Enseña en clases individuales y
grupales durante todo el año, y es mentor de otros instructores que trabajan en
certificaciones de Fly Fishers International y es también editor asociado de
The Loop y The Journal of Fly Casting Professionals.
Guía del Programa;
Cesar Subiabre, Jefe de Excursiones Hotel del Paine
Certified Fly Casting Instructor IFF.
Inscripciones a: excursioneshoteldelpaine.com

Monday, October 22, 2018
I will be taking a group back to the Naknek River Camp next Sept 28th to October 5th. This is a great opportunity to swing flies to large rainbows with your favorite two handed rod. Check out www.naknekrivercamp.com and let me know if you can join us. If you have any questions don't hesitate to get in touch.
Monday, October 8, 2018
2018 at the Naknek River Camp.
We fished two handed rods, skagit heads and T11 to T17 tips. Flies were a combination of intruders and leech patters.
I want to thank Billy, Wayne, Tom and David for joining me.
I will bring another group back in late September 2019. If you might be interested, don't hesitate to reach out. The Naknek is a terrific place to learn to two handed fly fish. You will spend the entire week swinging flies, with opportunities to connect with 30 plus inch rainbows.
Thanks again to Phyllis and Jim and the guides and staff for making our trip so enjoyable.
Monday, August 27, 2018
Our two handed casting clinic - Spey 2.0 - for the Rhode Island School of Fly Fishing was a a big success and a ton of fun.
We had an excellent summer day in Narragansett with a terrific group of people. In our previous class with focused on tossing skagit heads with circle spey and double spey casts. This session focused on scandi lines and singles and snake rolls.
Thanks again Craig Buckbee and Jim Barr for all your help. In the future we hope to do a 3.0 class that would focus on casting and fishing mid-belly lines.

We had an excellent summer day in Narragansett with a terrific group of people. In our previous class with focused on tossing skagit heads with circle spey and double spey casts. This session focused on scandi lines and singles and snake rolls.
Thanks again Craig Buckbee and Jim Barr for all your help. In the future we hope to do a 3.0 class that would focus on casting and fishing mid-belly lines.

Kangia updates
This is such an amazing place to fly fish. I will be taking a group back next July, please don't hesitate to reach out in you are interested in learning more.
On an average day we hike between five to eight miles on game trails along the river. We walk, we fish, we rest, and we fish some more.
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Back from another terrific journey to the Kangia River in southwest Greenland. Arctic char were late coming in this year, but moved into the Kangia during our week. Thanks again to the Solid Adventures guides and staff for taking such great care of us.
Our group of 10 landed some very nice fish in the 8-12 pound range. We fished single and small two handed rods on a variety of small streamers.
I will post more photos as them come in but want to thank everyone who made the trek and I really look forward to traveling with you guys again.
I will be hosting another group to Kangia River Camp in the summer of 2019. We will be there July 25th to August 3rd.
Thanks Matt for the photos.
Wednesday, May 23, 2018
My 2019 dates are set for Argentina. I will be taking a group back to Estancia Las Buitreras from Feb 9th-16th. This is an amazing trip for sea run browns.
And I am taking a smaller group of four back to Los Plateados from April 6-12th for Atlantic steelhead.
I still have a few openings. If you have questions about either trip, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
April Two handed clinic
Just wanted to get these up from our April two handed clinic in Rhode Island. Great group of guys and I know we will see some of you back August 25 for our next session. It was a pleasure to spend the day teaching with Craig Buckbee and Jim Barr.
Sunday, May 6, 2018
Capt Jim Barr from the Rhode Island School of Fly Fishing posted this updates on our April 21st two handed clinic.
And what a day we had! On Saturday April 21st we held a day-long two-handed fly casting clinic on the Narrow River, in Narragansett, RI.
We had eleven casters registered for the class, gents from the Boston area, Central Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut and New York. The weather was perfect, and the casters and instructors were excited. Most of the students brought their own Spey and Switch rods, and in addition the instructors brought a wide array of two-handed rods and fly line combinations for everyone to cast and experiment with.
The day started in the parking lot at the Narrow River with everyone practicing their two-handed stroke using 1/2" diameter- 5 foot long pvc pipe dummy rods. We then packed our rods, reels, lunches and folding chairs and waded out to the river flats. The instruction team was headed up by John Bilotta and Craig Buckbee, both highly qualified two-handed casting instructors who have a ton of experience teaching and fishing with these beautiful casting rods. The emphasis was on learning (and improving) the students techniques for the Double Spey and Snake Roll casts as well as entertaining lots of questions from everyone on gear and casting techniques.
I was primarily the logistics guy for the event as I have limited Spey casting experience, most of my two-handed casting has been with a Switch rod, a great rod for reaching long distances, but nothing that compares with these 13 -14 foot spey rods. However, despite the phrase to the contrary, you CAN teach an old dog new tricks, I learned a lot that day.
Many of our students asked when we were going to hold our next two-handed casting clinic. Our thinking currently is we will be holding another day-long event in early September.
At that clinic we will be teaching a variety of new casts beyond the basic ones we featured on April 21st.
If you are interested in learning more about our Spey clinics, fire-off an email to me and I'll be happy to bring you up to speed and keep you in the loop.
Friday, April 27, 2018
Our trip to Estancia las Buitreras in late March with a big success. We filled the lodge and what a great group. Lots of people who were pretty new to two handed fishing, landed some good sea trout. We fished a variety of two handed 7-8 weight rods, with Rage or Scandi heads and intermediate poly leaders. Flies were a variety of girdle bugs and nymphs. Largest sea run brown of the week was 21 pounds. The Solid Adventures crew at the lodge was outstanding.
Back from two great trips to Estancia Las Buitreras and Los Plateatos in Santa Cruz province in Argentina. I really enjoyed my time with both groups and look forward to traveling with them again.

We were fishing for sea run brown.
Below are few pictures of Los Plateados. We were fishing for Atlantic steelhead.
Conditions were tough this year because a glacial dam rupture up river shortly before we arrived on. Water levels on the Santa Cruz were high and the silty. That said, I really enjoyed the company and will be back on the Santa Cruz next April.
It is a fabulous river to fish a with a two handed rod, a skagit head, sink tip and big intruder flies.
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